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Join other "islamophobes" as we figure out together how to shut down Islam in America!
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Two French slaughtered, seven wounded by Sudanese 'refugee' shouting Allahu Akbar

Only few months ago Macron was bragging about how proud he is France will be welcoming Sundanese refugees!

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Who killed Ashli Babbitt?

The Identify of Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—

Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

Multiple Mainstream Media Outlets have known this, but they REFUSE to run the story.

Why is that?


Hello Gettr!
VIDEO: Why we should keep up with our activism

I've been really thinking and re-thinking this question. Should I continue with my counter-jihad activism or not? It's not that I don't have the energy and the desire. It's seeing how compromised our leadership is that gets me. The F-BEE-EYE is basically working for the enemy. I'm sure there are patriots in their ranks but how many? Nobody knows. Look what they did to President Trump as a candidate and later on as a sitting President. The DOJ is basically compromised. Look at Congress. We have Ilhan "Jihadi" Omar probably spying for who's who of global jihad. Look at Minnesota - basically taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood/CAIR.

So why bother?

While I don't have all the answers, it matters a lot to me that President Trump, truly the last legitimate President of the United States, has now made it clear he will be involved in the process and that he is basically already campaigning for 2024. I don't know how we will clean house but it has to happen.

And I know that it won't happen ...

Where are we at with the Islamization of America?

this is a good question to ask ourselves – where exactly are we at with that as long as ation of America?

I recently heard that someone said the following: the vaccinated are the quiet majority. That’s true I think 70% of people in America have been vaccinated with the Covid jab. These people don’t know what to do about it. They play dumb about it. They’re not gonna hear any negative reports when it comes to complications from the jab because they are in the majority.

The majority knows it’s the majority. It’s difficult to change your ways when you are the majority and you personally haven’t suffered any direct consequences.

Similarly to that the majority is still clueless about Islam. They know something is not quite right there, but they don’t care because it doesn’t interfere with their daily life too much. Similar to the COVID-19 jab. When they read about people dying from the Covid jab they just shrug it off because, oh well it’s part of the acceptable body count in...

September 09, 2022
The Best Summary of the State of Jihad in the United States

This may be the best summary from an expert on security you can read in America today when it comes to the state of Jihad against the United States.
It comes from Understanding the Threat and is written by John Guandolo, retired FBI. You can learn more about his work over at

Only Patriots Can Win the War Now!

by John D. Guandolo

On September 11, 2001, 19 Islamic jihadis - 15 of them from Saudi Arabia - used airplanes to strike at the heart of America hitting the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers in New York.

On that day it was not the military, nor the police, nor the FBI, nor the Congress, nor the President, nor any Governor which saved the U.S. Capitol.

On September 11, 2001, citizens willing to give up everything stepped up and forced the plane intended to smash into the U.S. Capitol into the ground in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, sacrificing themselves while saving an untold number of lives.

These great heroic Americans gave the last full measure of devotion for their fellow citizens and ...

Victims of Islamophobia and Islam Report – September, 2021

Victims of Islamophobia and Islam Report – September, 2021

How many get killed each month by "islamophobia" and how many get killed by Islam?

Let's find out!

Here's the September report!

The Islamophobia Awareness Report is reaching now hundreds of Minnesota legislators, over 4K individual contacts in over 200 media outlets (TV, radio and newspapers) and over 700 pastors and staff from Minnesota's largest 100 churches.

The blood of the innocents is crying out! We are now their voice!

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